God is Evil: Israeli police surround unarmed woman and then mass shoot her to death, even though her hands were up!

09 October 2015 (08:00 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Mehr 1394/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/27 Bing-Xu 4713

Belal Dabour, a doctor in Palestine, is using Twitter to post play-by-play of the genocide being committed by Israeli Zionist cops!  His latest posts include videos of an unarmed woman, begging for her life putting one hand up (the other was holding a cell phone to her ear) and then being blasted to death by multiple Israeli cops. 

Cops claim in her free hand she was holding a knife.  In a cop-cam video it’s obvious she’s defending herself because she only raises her free hand when cops get close, when they back off she drops her free hand. In the cop-cam video you still can’t make out if she’s actually holding something in her free hand.  However, leave it to a pack of gun toting cops to be afraid of a knife wielding woman who’s talking on her cell phone!

Yet more reason you better have a gun!

God is Evil: Mayor of Jerusalem orders Jews to arm themselves & attack Christians & Muslims!