World War 3, Asia-Pacific Front: U.S. Army cuts will not apply to units poised for war with China!

27 June 2013 (20:09 UTC-07 Tango 26 June 2013)/18 Sha’ban 1434/06 Tir 1391/20 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The U.S. Army is reducing its size over the next four years.  However, U.S. Army units operating in the Asia-Pacific Theater of War (APTW) will not be affected.  It seems U.S. DoD officials have other plans for those Army personnel.

Only two U.S. Army Brigades in the European Theater of War will be cut.   Brigades in the U.S. states of Washington, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, North Carolina, New York, Kentucky and Georgia will be de-activated.

U.S. Army officials say the reductions are the result of the Budget Control Act of 2011.  APTW Brigades will be enhanced with equipment and personnel from those Brigades that are de-activated.