World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 08 December 2012. U.S. detains teenagers, Israeli style! Mujahideen offensive in Khost! Pakistan predicts increased attacks! Sweden says U.S. attacking hospitals, violation of international law! U.S. military official admits to intentionally targeting children, another violation of international law!

08 December 2012

In Khost Province, in the Sahra Bagh area, Mujahideen claim they attacked a military convoy killing nine U.S./NATO troops.  However, local government sources say three U.S./NATO troops were killed, no comment by ISAF.  Also, in the Bak district, Mujahideen beheaded a man for being a spy.  Also in Bak, provincial security chief, Mohammad Yaqoob Mandozai, said Mujahideen exploded a remote detonated landmine killing two civilians and wounding five civilians as well as four Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel.

The American Civil Liberties Union says U.S. forces are detaining at least 200 Afghan teenaged boys at anyone time, simply to prevent them “from returning to the battlefield”.  U.S. forces would hold the teenagers for about a year at a time, in the infamous prison at Bagram airbase.  Then, they would be released or turned over to Afghan police.

The International Justice Network says their own count shows that U.S. forces are detaining much more than 200 teenagers per year, at more than one prison: “I’ve represented children as young as 11 or 12 who have been at Bagram. I question the number of 200, because there are thousands of detainees at Parwan.”-Tina Foster, International Justice Network

In an interview with the Military Times (not the Marine Corps Times as some reports said), U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Marion Carrington admitted that not only does U.S. and U.K. forces intentionally go after “military aged males” (which includes teenagers) but they also kill “…children with potential hostile intent.”  There have been numerous cases where children as young as eight were killed by U.S. or U.K. Red Coat forces.  In most of those cases, the children were collecting firewood or tending sheep, but the U.S. led forces claim the children were planting landmines.  Intentionally targeting children is a violation of international laws, and justifying it based on the fact that belong to a people who you’re subjugating is simply a form of ‘racism’, even a former Israeli Defense Force member says so: “The decision about who you consider a legitimate target is less defined by your conduct than the conduct of the people or category of people which you are assigned to belong to…That is beyond troubling. It is also illegal and immoral.”-Amos Guiora, now a law professor at the University of Utah

Outside of Afghanistan, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has documented more than 200 children intentionally killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen between 2002 and 2012!

Want more proof that the United States does not respect the rule of law?  Read on.

In Maidan Wardak Province, the Swedish Aid Committee for Afghanistan said that ANA troops, being directed by U.S./NATO personnel, attacked a health clinic in Sebak village at Chak district, a clear violation of Geneva Conventions.  The joint ANA/U.S./NATO troops kidnapped several medical personnel and destroyed the medical equipment.  Apparently the clinic was then used as a FOB (forward operating base) for three days.  ISAF Brigadier General, Gunter Katz, tried to downplay the whole thing by saying NATO troops didn’t know it was a medical facility until after they entered the compound, and that they stayed at the compound for the three days “…due to the cold weather.”   The heliborne assault took place back on 23 October.

In Herat Province, a woman and her son were shot and killed.  Local officials say it was over charges of adultery, however, the police do not think the shooter is a relative. They have arrested three people.

Pakistani intelligence officials say an expected change in Pakistani Taliban leadership will result in fewer attacks inside Pakistan, and increased attacks in Afghanistan: “We are awaiting to witness the change in the current Taliban leader which is commanded by a violent leader and the replacement will hopefully lead to reconciliation of the Taliban group with the government of Pakistan.”-unnamed Pakistani military official

07 December 2012

In Nangarhar Province, the governor said U.S. led forces conducted an illegal night raid in the southern district of Khogyani. Seven people were kidnapped and one wounded when he resisted.  Also, in Sherzad district, locals say the U.S./NATO night raided homes in the Stara Tarma area, killing three people before fleeing in helicopters.

In Logar Province, locals say U.S. led forces night raided homes in the Dado Khel village.  Two people were kidnapped and the residents say their valuables (jewelry and cash) were stolen.

In Kunar Province, locals say U.S./NATO forces night raided an Imam’s home in the Underser area.  The Imam and his brother were kidnapped.  Their cash was stolen (obviously the U.S./NATO troops are being trained by Israeli personnel, standard tactic of IDF personnel is to take the jewelry and cash of the families they destroy).

A man using an underwear bomb tried to assassinate the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief.  The bomb went off, the intelligence boss was wounded.  President Karzai blames it on Pakistan.

In Ghazni Province, local government officials revealed that weapons and ammo have been stolen from government arms depot.  A man is being tried for the thefts, local prosecutors say the man worked in the depot and was selling the weapons to Mujahideen.

In Parwan Province, Mujahideen say they launched a rocket attack on a Korean base, near the provincial capital of Charikar.

06 December 2012

In Nuristan Province,  cops are being sniped by the dozens.  Local government officials say the Mujahideen are using brand new high velocity Dragunov sniper rifles.  They say the local police do not have access to that type of weapon.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen claim to have hit a U.S. base with six mortar rounds. The base is in Khas Kunar district.

In Ghazni Province, a U.S. led night raid on Ali Khel village, in Deh Yak district, resulted in the gates of three homes being destroyed and one man being kidnapped.

A group of lawyers in United Kingdom are demanding an investigation into accounts of British Red Coats intentionally targeting/killing Afghan children, some as young as 12 years old.

President Karzai again stated that the continued occupation of Afghanistan by U.S. led forces is the main cause for violence in the Central Asian country.

NATO, USMC General John Allen and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, made contradictory statements and blatant lies.  Clinton demanded that the taxpayers of NATO members continue to make huge payments to the government of Afghanistan  (money laundering by government? see previous Afghan reports on Blind Bat News), while the NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that corruption in Afghanistan is only getting worse (Transparency International says Afghanistan is in the top three most corrupt countries in the world)!  Many countries have pledged to give Afghanistan huge sums of their taxpayers’ money, according to a Reuters report as much as $4.1 billion USD per year after 2014 (and you wonder why they want to raise taxes on you?)!  Outgoing John Allen stated there was a “significant decrease” in violence, hmmm, guess he’s not reading my Afghan reports?

05 December 2012

In Nimroz Province, in Khashrod district, U.S. led forces conducted an early morning raid. Locals say five people were kidnapped and a woman was shot and wounded.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen claim a Red Coat British AFV (armored fighting vehicle) ran over a landmine, which exploded and killed the entire crew.  Witnesses say two more Red Coat AFVs rushed to the scene, but ran into each other causing one of the AFVs to flip!

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen say they assassinated a key spy working for U.S. forces.  They say U.S. forces have turned a former residence into a spy headquarters in Kandahar city.

In Nuristan Province, a U.S. led airstrike has killed at least five civilians.  Local government officials say the five people were from one family and were not known to have any political opinions, officials are demanding an investigation.

U.S. led NATO and Russia agreed to increase their Afghan operations in 2013!  Russia and U.S. led NATO will expand the training of the Afghan air force and anti-drug police units.

The Democratic controlled U.S. Senate approved a $631 billion military spending bill, in a 98 to zero vote!  The bill allows 88 billion taxpayer dollars to continue the war in Afghanistan, as well as billions for new nuclear weapons.  It will now be reconciled with the Republican controlled House military spending bill.