United Police States of America: More than 2,000 innocent people sent to prison in the United States, just the “tip of the iceberg”!

“Nobody had an inkling of the serious problem of false confessions until we had this data.”-Rob Warden, Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University

“We know there are many more that we haven’t found…It’s clear that the exonerations we found are the tip of the iceberg.” -Samuel Gross, University of Michigan

So much for the U.S. system of justice.  Now there’s more proof that you could go to prison even if you’re innocent!  The Atlantic says blame your infallible court judges: “This is particularly true at the United States Supreme Court, where the justices, alone among government officials, have no one to answer to but their own consciences.”

A new report by the Center on Wrongful Convictions, shows that not only have at minimum 2,000 people been wrongfully imprisoned since 1989, but that 873 of those innocent people spent a combined total of 10,000 years in prison!  More reason not to trust the cops and courts!!!

The report says this is only the beginning of more revaluations to come: “If that were the extent of the problem we would be encouraged by these numbers. But it’s not. These cases merely point to a much larger number of tragedies that we do not know about.”

Keep in mind the report is talking about innocent people who’ve been exonerated, not those still in prison.  The report also breaks it down by state and county.

One man spent 35 years in a Florida prison, after being wrongly convicted of a crime in 1974!  Another man in Texas was not so lucky, he died in prison in 1999, only to be found innocent after he died!

The state of Illinois is the worst offender.  You can view the National Registry of Exonerations here.