United Police States of America: Autopsy shows Texas Cops not justified in killing high school student. Teen high on chocolate? Cops force Stepmom to wave legal rights!

On February 17, 2012, the results of an autopsy on a 15 year old, shot and killed by Texas cops, were released.  It shows the cops were not justified!

On January 4, cops shot a 15 year old at Cummings Middle School in Brownsville, Texas.  He died of gunshot to his chest and abdomen.  Associated Press reports say the teen was shot in the back of the head as well.

Police said they believed he was on drugs, and they did not know the gun he was holding was a pellet gun.  The autopsy shows the teenager was not on drugs.  Only compounds associated with chocolate, caffeine and tea were found in his system!

To add insult to murder, the family of the boy said the police forced his stepmom to sign paperwork absolving the cops of any wrongdoing!!!