Anti-Gun Pathetics: “This is for Syria!” Gun ban fails to stop knife attack in United Kingdom!

05 December 2015, 17:32 UTC-07 Tango 01 (15 Azar 1394/23 Safar 1437/25 Wu Zi 10th month 4713)

In a country that bans gun ownership for the overwhelming majority of its ‘subjects’, yet another terrorist attack has taken place, and yet again the weapon of choice was an edged weapon  (and yes, the U.K. even regulates the ownership of knives).

Reports say the attack took place on the London subway system known as The Tube or The Underground.  A man shouting “This is for Syria!” began slashing people with a knife.  Several False Flag ‘western’ news media said the man had a machete, yet witness after witness said he had a knife about three inches long.  The average machete has a blade more than 12 inches long.

Gun Control U.K.: Strict gun ban doesn’t stop elected officials from owning outlawed guns!

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