False Flag: Personnel inspecting van! Bomb planted?

13 June 2015 (10:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Kordad 1394/25 Sha’ban 1436/27 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

Via live NBC5 video: Police cars have evacuated the Jack in the Box parking lot, a MRAP style police vehicle (looks like a BearCat) has entered the parking lot.  The police robot has backed way off from the suspect’s MRAP style van.

At least three or four law enforcement personnel are inspecting the suspect’s van.  They are focusing on the rear of the van.  Fox4’s Sky 4 crew says personnel have placed “something on the van.”

What I thought was movement in the rear window of the van might have been the robot moving around the rear of the van.

Fire department called in!