False Flag: Fire department called in! Police exit Jack in the Box parking lot!

13 June 2015 (09:41 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Kordad 1394/25 Sha’ban 1436/27 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

Live video from NBCDFW (NBC5) helicopter shows Hutchins Fire Department vehicles arriving on scene.  Video also shows police presence across the street at a Dairy Queen.

Fox4’s Sky 4 chopper has been told to stay in area until 11:00 hours Texas time.

NBC5 video also shows police robot occasionally going up to MRAP up-armored style van, and then backing away.  I also see what looks like movement in one of the van’s rear windows, furthering my suspicions that the suspect might be alive.  However, Fox4’s Sky 4 crew speculating that ATF is getting ready to blow up entire van, or bring in APC (armored personnel carrier) to “pop open the vehicle”.  Police vehicles are exiting the Jack in the Box parking lot.

Robot continues to move around armored van.

Live video shows no evidence of explosions!