28 November 2016 / 23:28 UTC-07 Tango 01 (09 Azar 1395/28 Safar 1438/01 Ji Hai [11th month] 4714)
Typically police warn you about scammers pretending to be raising money for fake police charities, but this time a cop is charged doing the same thing.
A former Boise, Idaho, cop and his wife are charged with stealing thousands of dollars from The Treasure Valley Lodge #11 Fraternal Order of Police charity, while the former cop was the president of the fraternity. The current fraternity president says it took local police investigators fives years to uncover the crime by cop!
Here’s more proof why U.S. charities are scams: Charity Navigator, online charity rating system, proves to be unreliable–Crains Chicago Business
The Charities that Stole Christmas (including the Clinton Foundation)-Washington Times
Texas raffle tickets for charity scam proves to be a repeat winner–KXAN
Better Business Bureau warns of scammers posing as donors-The News Press
Australian court reveals charities pay their paid employees less than minimum wage–The Sydney Morning Herald
Donald Trump, scam artist–The Washington Post
Woman runs cancer charity scam–NJ.com
Cancer charity Boobies Rock turns out to be a scam, for past three years–The Denver Channel
Pink Bag scam–Spring Hill Home Page