Vaccine Fail: Govt agency admits Adverse Reactions, including thousands of deaths, are grossly under reported!

05 January 2023 (20:42-UTC-07 Tango 06) 15 Dey 1401/12 Jumada t-Tania 1444/14 Xin-Chou 4720/05 январь 2023 года

The United States has the underutilized Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  In the United Kingdom it is officially called Yellow Card, because when the program was started people had to manually fill out yellow cards to report their adverse reaction to a vaccine.  Both the U.S. and U.K.’s voluntary system relies mainly on the victim to file the report, but healthcare providers can also file reports.

The U.K.’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has published the latest numbers (23NOV2022, published on 21DEC2022) regarding adverse reactions.  Notice below that the number of voluntarily reported reactions add up to more than 400-thousand!

Table 4: Number of reports

Country COVID-19 Pfizer/ BioNTech Vaccine (monovalent and bivalent) COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna (monovalent and bivalent) Brand unspecified
England 138,610 203,063 37,408 1,214
Wales 8,628 10,922 2,841 114
Northern Ireland 3,087 3,020 202 27
Scotland 13,254 17,608 3,891 239

The MHRA report also goes into detail about the reactions, including deadly reactions, and the demographics of the people affected.

Table 11: Number of UK reports with a fatal outcome received for COVID-19 Vaccines by patient age up to and including 23 November 2022

Age group (years) COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna Brand unspecified All vaccines
Under 18 ^ 6 ^ 9
18-29 29 19 ^ 49
30-39 49 34 6 ^ 90
40-49 97 32 6 ^ 138
50-59 158 45 ^ 10 218
60-69 205 78 13 9 305
70-79 267 179 19 6 471
80+ 332 328 36 17 713
Unknown 195 136 25 13 369
Total 1,334 857 111 60 2,362

“It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported. Under-reporting coupled with a decline in reporting makes it especially important to report all suspicions of adverse drug reactions to the Yellow Card Scheme.”-MHRA, 17MAY2019

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