Pandēmus Totalitarian: Tens of thousands of U.S. Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Nurses rebel against Biden’s Mandate!

Survey data published in December 2020, before vaccines became mandated.

Incomplete list of videos and links to news reports as of 03NOV2021:

Biden allows insurance rates to be jacked up for employees and employers who do not comply with Pandemic mandates!

Prisoners must be vaccinated:

Iowa creates new Vaccine Waiver Law in an attempt to protect employees from Pandemic mandates!

American and Southwest airlines refuse to comply with Texas’ ban on mandating vaccinations for employees! (Is this the true cause of their flight cancelations?)

Alabama nurses say Pandemic mandates come at the worst time; when the U.S. is already in the midst of a healthcare worker shortage, mandates will only make the shortage worse:

Short staffed Arizona hospital extends vaccine deadline to February 2022, due to fear of losing too many employees, at least 50% of the healthcare workers refuse to get vaccinated saying current vaccine data is not sufficient:

Permanently disabled doctor refuses vaccination, gets fired!

Under influence by Joe Biden, Penn State University expands vaccine mandate to nine campuses, all students and all healthcare workers!

California based healthcare operation Kaiser-Permanente is refusing religious exemption claims, saying they consider them to be fraudulent!

Kaiser Permanente fires nurse in San Diego hospital for refusing to get vaccinated!

An In-N-Out Burger restaurant in California shuts down, refuses to enforce San Francisco’s draconian vaccination law!

In-N-Out Burger restaurant in Pleasant Hill shutdown by county officials for refusing to enforce Pandemic mandate:

University of California Los Angeles doctor escorted from his job, because he refuses to get vaccinated!

Los Angeles County Sheriff admits he does not have enough personnel to enforce the new Pandemic mandates!

More than one thousand LA County deputies have left their jobs, another 4-thousand threaten to quit:

Colorado data on healthcare workers refusing to get vaccinated is not reliable as hospitals have already fired, or placed on ‘vacation’, workers who refuse vaccination!

Colorado hospital denies life saving operation to woman with end stage renal failure, because she is not vaccinated:

U.S. Supreme Court throws out healthcare workers’ religious exemption claim!

At least 4-hundred healthcare works at one hospital in Michigan quit in protest of Pandemic mandates!

County in Florida hit with multi-million dollar state fine for firing employees who refused vaccination!

Appeals court backs-up healthcare workers in Louisiana who refuse vaccination:

19 of the 50 U.S. states sue Joe Biden over Pandemic mandates! (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming)

Illinois Democrats demand a new law that would legalize ‘repercussions’ against people who refuse vaccination!

Lawsuit reveals that Chicago has already been furloughing police and fire fighters who refuse to get vaccinated!

01NOV2021, Chicago Mayor ‘flips the finger’ at police who refuse to get vaccinated:

Judge goes against NYC police union’s request for vaccine exemption!

Forget emergency responders, de Blasio has already furloughed 9-thousand employees!

Barrington School Committee furloughs three teachers for refusing vaccination!

Redmond, Washington, fire fighters refuse vaccination!

Losing your job due to refusing mandated vaccines will also cost you any unemployment assistance!

Entertainer Ice Cube refuses mandated vaccine, loses $9-million paycheck!

While the U.S. military is cracking down hard on personnel who refuse vaccines, Biden gives government contractors new vaccine mandate rule, including “…a limited period of counseling and education, followed by additional disciplinary measures…”!

The Department of Defense (DoD) warns civilian employees to get vaccinated, or else!

Report says DoD has no system in place to verify that civilian employees are vaccinated!

25% of DoD grade school system employees are not vaccinated!

Guam Department of Education employees refuse vaccination and testing:

USN says it is prepped to keel-haul any Sailor who refuses vaccination!

USMC swears it will ‘boot’ any Marine who refuses to get vaccinated!

At least 12-thousand USAF Airmen refuse mandated vaccines!

USAF fires 40 newly hired recruits for refusing mandated vaccines!

On 02NOV2021, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile  Command gave a vide conference explanation of Pandemic mandates, saying “guidance” regarding enforcement is constantly changing.

Pandemic Perfidy: U.S. Department of Defense, on 01NOV2021, stated “Those with previous COVID-19 infection(s) or antibody test results are not considered fully vaccinated…”