One Year Later: Tuna caught near United States contaminated with Radiation! U.S. media trying to downplay, it happened last year!

On 29 May 2012, the U.S. media reporting a group of California University researchers say that tuna caught off the California coast showed traces of cesium-134 & 137.  However, their discovery actually happened last year!

Stanford researchers tested blue fin tuna, caught near San Diego in August 2011, and found low levels of cesium.  The scientists, and the U.S. news media, are downplaying this pointing out the levels are too low to cause harm.

However, a similar study in 2008 showed that blue fin tuna had no radiation contamination at all.  Now realize that the latest study was done in August 2011, and the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi is far from over, radiation is still pouring into the Pacific Ocean!

Also, Tokyo Electric Power Company, just last week, reported that radiation emitted by the disaster reactors, between March and September 2011, was higher than what the Japanese government was reporting!

Back in November 2011, Greenpeace activists tested tuna and cod for radiation and found they were contaminated, the mainstream media ignored their findings!