Tag Archives: redxdefense

Government/Corporate Evil: DARPA director joining Google, more proof that Google is spying on you, PRODIGAL to be civilianized?

Regina is a technical pioneer who brought the future of technology to the military during her time at DARPA.  She will be a real asset to Google, and we are thrilled she is joining the team.”-Google statement

Regina Dugan is leaving the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for a new job at Google.

Dugan helped create all kinds of new weapons for the so called war on terror, including internet programs to spy on our own soldiers. In December 2011, it was revealed that DARPA will spend $9 million to spy on the emails of U.S. personnel!

It’s called Proactive Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning, or PRODIGAL.

Isn’t it interesting that three months later one of the DARPA officials behind it is now going to work for Google?

And don’t forget Regina Dugan’s own company, RedXDefense.  It’s a company totally dependent on military contracts, and totally about control freakism.