Tag Archives: iodized

Iodide Not Iodine

Once again the U.S. media has been getting it wrong; saying that people in Japan are being issued “Iodine” pills. No, it’s “Iodide” pills!

Iodine and Iodide are related, but are different. Both can be good for you, and bad for you. It depends on the form, dosage and how they are used.

Many people think Iodine is good for you, in extreme small doses, and, in fact Iodine deficency can cause health problems. But, some forms of Iodine, like Iodine 131 (used in nuclear reactors), are bad and can cause cancer.  Iodine is not used in table salt.

Some table salts are enriched with Potassium Iodide. It is called “Iodized Salt”.  The general public has mistakenly called it iodine salt.

Potassium Iodide is what is used in anti-radiation pills. This is what the people, near the crippled nuclear reactors in Honshu, are being given. 

The thyroid gland in animals (that’s us humans as well) uses trace amount of Iodide to create proteins and hormones that contains Iodine. Hyperthyroidism can occur with an increase in Iodine consumption.  In other words, this substance is finicky when it comes to the health of humans. It can prevent cancer, and, it can also cause cancer and glandular problems, it depends on how much the person is ingesting, or is exposed to.

The lesson here is: Use Iodine and Iodide only when necessary, like in the case of diagnosed Iodine deficiency, or as a disinfectant (Lugol’s Iodine), or to prevent radiation poisoning in a nuclear event (Potassium Iodide). Otherwise, do not eat or drink it on regular basis.

Do your research.