Operation FakeBuster : Facebook joins NATO!

06 JUL 2017 (12:40 UTC-07 Tango 06) 15 Tir 1396/11 Shawwal 1438/13 Ding Wei 4715

Earlier this year U.S. led NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) joined with Facebook in creating a fake-news operation under the guise of fighting fake-news.  The NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence employed 28 people in the eastern European country of Latvia to create operation Fake Buster:

Fake Buster is supposedly a Facebook game (also available as an application for your smart phone) that teaches dumb Facebook users how to tell real news from fake.  If you understand the history of propaganda (fake-news) then you’ll realize that the most prolific  perpetrators of fake-news are governments and their official main stream news media.  Can you really trust a Fake Buster app created by NATO?

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