Xenoma: Japan develops parasitic e-skin that lets other people know what you’re doing!

08 February 2016 (01:39 UTC-07 Tango 01) / 19 Bahman 1394/28 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/01 Geng Yin 4714

Scientists at University of Tokyo have successfully completed development of an electronic skin that allows other people to use their smartphones to view what you’re doing as you wear it.  Ominously the company that will make and sell the e-skin calls itself Xenoma, which is more commonly known as a xenoparasitic complex, in other words it’s a parasite that lives on your skin.

The University of Tokyo developers say their intent is to create clothing that can be worn by infants and old people who can’t care for themselves.  The developers claim the electronic clothing is meant to help caretakers take care of their charges, however, none of that is mentioned on the Xenoma website.  It just markets their e-skin shirts as the latest in coolness!  

It’s also obvious by pics and vid on the company’s website that they are not making shirts for babies or old people, but rather they are targeting young healthy adults.  Why would young healthy adults want to wear a shirt that lets other people monitor their movements on their smartphones?

Xenoma administrators say their e-shirt is washable and feels like any other shirt.  They hope to start selling it in about a year.