Destroy U.S. Dollar: IMF welcomes Chinese yuan!

01 December 2015 (00:56 UTC-07 Tango 01)/10 Azar 1394/18 Safar 1437/20 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“In the next ten to 20 years it will be the currency of the world.”-Helen Mak, Hong Kong business woman

Washington DC based International Monetary Fund (IMF) now includes the Chinese yuan-renminbi-RMB as part of its Special Drawing Rights reserve currencies.  This is monumental considering the Chinese government began promoting the yuan for global trade just eight years ago.

The IMF is giving the yuan a ‘weight’ of 3rd, right after the U.S. dollar and European Union euro.  Japan’s yen is 4th.

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