Martial Law U.S.A. : Walmart hires military contractor to spy on employees!

25 November 2015, 17:35 UTC-07 Tango 01 (05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Claimed to be the world’s largest military contractor, Lockheed Martin was hired by Walmart, back in 2012, to spy on its own rebellious employees.

That’s according to a report titled  How Walmart Keeps an Eye on Its Massive Workforce The retail giant is Always watching.

Walmart administrators did not hire a military contractor to protect customers from possible terrorist attack, but to prevent cash strapped employees from going on strike!  In April of this year I wrote how Walmart suddenly, without warning, shutdown several stores across the country resulting in several thousands of layoffs.  I discovered that some of those stores had employees that had successfully organized and were about to go on strike, however, Walmart insisted the stores had major “plumbing problems” and would be re-opened as soon as the problems were fixed.

The new Bloomberg Business report is based on more than 1-thousand documents (as part of an upcoming National Labor Relations Board hearing) showing that when Walmart says it’s concerned for security it does not mean your security against a violent attack, it means a ‘terrorist’ strike by slave wage labor Walmart employees.