False Flag: Ice Core samples prove Climate Change not “self inflicted”!

29 November 2015 (15:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Azar 1394/16 Safar 1437/18 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

CNN posted an opinion piece which stated that Climate Change (remember when these mainstreamer news weenie heads called it Global Warming?) is “self inflicted” by us humans.  Pay attention, all the main stream news sources are going to be ramping up their call for the end of so called human caused climate change, because the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is underway now.

French COP21 demonstrations despite Martial Law banning public demonstrations:


It’s actually known as COP.  When did you first hear of Global Warming or Climate Change?  The acronym COP comes from the first ever (elitist dominated) meeting on climate change back in 1995, COP stands for Conferences of the Parties.

Neo-imperialist Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) has always been a promoter of the idea that we humans need to do something about climate change, but in their latest documentary they interview a U.S. ice core scientist in Denver, Colorado, who uses the ice core sample to prove that radical climate change has happened before and at a time when humans could not have had anything to do with it!

At the end of part one of NHK’s Flood: A Global Menace for Coastal Cities (if you search for this report be warned, I’ve seen several reports from around the world with the same title), samples at the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory reveal that 11-thousand 7-hundred years ago (right after The Great Ice Age ended) the Earth experienced five years of radical climate change, with the average air temperature jumping by 10 celsius (50 fahrenheit)!  The humanoids living then had nothing to do with that and could do nothing to prevent it.  They survived it as best they could, lest we not be here today.

Do research on just who is organizing, attending and leading these COP meetings and I’m sure you’ll discover they’re a bunch of elitists with ulterior motives, the most obvious is how to make money off it (the more nefarious motive is to greatly reduce the human population of the Earth).

But wait don’t take NHK’s word for it.  In 2012 a report about the use of ice cores said the ancient records of Global Warming don’t jive with the sermones coming from the mouths of the false prophet COP scientists: “Comparing the global set of temperature records with the levels of CO2 in the ancient air bubbles trapped in ice cores reveals that global average temperatures started to rise at least a century after CO2 levels began to creep up. That’s the reverse of what seems to have happened in Antarctica, where warming temperatures precede rising CO2 levels. But that local warming may be explained by this shutdown of ocean currents as a result of massive glacial melt in the Northern Hemisphere…..    ……there was a change in the relative strength of the sun roughly 20,000 years ago thanks to variations in the planet’s orbit….ice cores from Greenland suggest there was an even larger warming event in the north roughly 60,000 years ago…..     ‘…..the only thing changing in the Northern Hemisphere [20,000 years ago] were these orbital changes’ that affect the amount of sunlight striking the far north…..  ….where the extra carbon dioxide came from remains unclear……What Thawed the Last Ice Age?, Scientific American

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