False Flag: Attacker has extensive ‘criminal record’ yet spent no time in prison!

14 November 2015 (14:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

“…this is just the beginning.”-quote attributed to DAIISH

Live TV news reports out of Europe have been stating that one of the attackers had an extensive criminal record yet somehow managed to never spend time in prison. They never give details.  One report said the man, a French citizen, had been found guilty in the past of several crimes, implying court trials, yet no explanation why he didn’t go to prison.  This man is apparently the one French police say they’ve been tracking for some time.

French police now link an Egyptian passport to one of the attackers.  They also say a finger of an attacker belongs to a French citizen.

It should be noted that Belgian cops launched raids in Belgium against ‘terror cells’ immediately after the attacks in Paris.

Greek police made public statements saying they tracked one attacker from Syria all the way to France.  That ‘attacker’ entered Greece on 03 October 2015.

French police have already determined that the bombs used in yesterday’s attacks were made with TATP (aka TCAP, Acetone peroxide).   It has been used in past attacks in Europe.

In Germany, Bavarian police revealed they arrested a man last week after his car was found stuffed with weapons.  They now say the man was part of the planned attacks on Paris.