Dumbing Down Japan: ‘Secret’ order to eliminate ‘thinking’ classes revealed! “attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.”

08 November 2015 (09:57 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Aban 1394/25 Muharram 1437/27 Ding-Hai 4713

Back in June the U.S. backed neo-imperialist government of Japan ordered all 86 taxpayer funded universities to “abolish or convert” courses that are not considered useful to big corporations (using the the Orwellian doublespeak term “society’s needs” when they really meant big corporations’ needs).  Those course to be abolished involve literature, history, philosophy and social sciences.

There is growing protests over the order to dumb down Japan:

“Pursuing studies of humanities and social sciences may not produce quick economic results, but shunning them risks producing people who are only interested in the narrow fields……Studies of literature, history, philosophy and social sciences are indispensable in creating people who can view developments in society and politics with a critical eye….Shimomura’s [Hakubun Shimomura of Ministry of Education issued the order to abolish such courses] move may be interpreted as an attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.-The Japan Times

“…there is a need for the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences (HSS) to work closely together in order to….play a vital and unique role in critically comparing, contrasting and reflecting on the way in which human beings and society operate.”-The Science Council of Japan

“…abolishing subjects such as sociology and philosophy just because they are not useful in business is incredibly short-sighted….business and making money is not everything in a society….”-Makoto Watanabe, Hokkaido Bunkyo University

Even the federation of Japanese businesses known as Keidanren condemned the order to dumb down their employees, basically saying Japanese businesses need employees who can think for themselves.

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