God is Evil: Video shows Israelis dressed as Palestinians instigating rock throwers, then shoots the Palestinians!

08 October 2015 (04:21 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Mehr 1394/24 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/26 Bing-Xu 4713

False Flag operation caught on camera!  Israelis dress up as Arabs and start throwing rocks at Israeli occupation forces, then as Palestinians join in the ‘Mustarabiin’ (non-Arabs who disguise themselves as Arabs) pull out pistols and start shooting the Palestinians!  They shoot and capture a couple of Palestinians, then start beating them. Watch the video, and then wonder about your own Israeli controlled evil police (I’m talking to you United States)!

Go to Agence France‑Presse to watch the revealing video.  ‘Cause it’s being blocked here.

Who said the Jews aren’t Nazis?  Arabs are Semites also!

God is Evil: Jews caught on video murdering unarmed man as he begged for his life!