World War 3, Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China, at same time sells China nuclear materials!

13 May 2015 (14:54 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Ordibehesht 1394/24 Rajab 1436/25 Xin Si (3rd month) 4713

“…freedom of navigation does not give one country’s military aircraft and ships free access to another country’s territorial waters and airspace!”Hua Chunying, spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry, in response to Obama’s new war plans

Obama regime’s Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, says the U.S. Navy will deploy a fleet to the South China Sea to challenge China’s ops in the Spratly Islands.   Carter says the Obama regime is using the excuse of protecting “freedom of navigation” and “world trade”.

Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia will join the U.S. Navy in increasing joint patrols of the South China Sea, using the excuse of fighting “piracy”.

Former enemies Vietnam and United States have been holding joint naval drills at least since 2012, this is the year China took control of Scarborough Shoal within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.  However, according to U.S. Naval War College “Starting in 2010, the U.S. and Vietnam accelerated this process effectively forming a partnership on several fronts. The Obama administration identified Vietnam as one of the new partners to cultivate as part of its ‘rebalancing’ of U.S. priorities toward the Asia-Pacific region, a move commonly referred to as the U.S.’s ‘pivot’ to the Pacific.”  Adding that “The U.S. and Vietnam should continue to develop military ties regardless of China’s concerns.”

In April this year, the U.S. Navy conducted five days of war games with Vietnam.   In recent months Vietnam and China had several run-ins (literally) between fishing and military boats.

Also in April, the U.S. and Philippines conducted their biggest joint war games in the past 15 years, called Operation Balikatan. The Obama regime stated the war game is part of their Pacific Pathways strategy.

Former enemies Japan and Philippines have been holding joint naval drills specifically to take on China: “Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and assorted other states are threatened by China’s behavior…….the Philippines and Japan are jointly making an important statement about how seriously they view China’s actions.”-Michael Tkacik, Stephen F. Austin State University

China recently stated they reserve the right to create a Air Defense Zone over what they say are their territories of the South China Sea.  This is in response to constant overflights by military spy planes of other countries such as the United States and Philippines.

The British empire country of Australia responded by warning China that the lucrative trade deals between the two countries could be threatened if China continues its work in the Spratly Islands.

At the same time that the Obama regime is gearing up for war with China, Obama is selling nuclear tech to China!  On 12 May 2015, Obama pleaded with the U.S. Congress to renew a 30 years deal to continue selling nuclear technologies to China!   This comes as senators express concern that China was using the nuclear tech to create weapon systems, in violation of the deal.   And this while the Obama regime continues to threaten war on Iran, using the excuse of preventing Iran from developing their own nuclear tech!

Obama Reneges on ending Iran sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”! 

Japan & U.S. create “Grey Zone” war zones! Vague justifications for war with China!

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