Martial Law U.S.A.: Cities in Missouri sue their own constituents for voting down Red Light Cameras!

13 February 2015 (09:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1436/24 Bahman 1393/25 Bing Yin (12th month) 4712

“73% of the voters pass a ban on red light cameras so what these cities are doing are suing 73% of the voters in Saint Charles County, within their own cities. They’re suing their own residents!”-Joe Brazi,  Saint Charles County councilman KMOV interview

In November 2014, at least 73% of the residents of Saint Charles County voted against the use of Red Light Cameras anywhere in their county.  Now the cities administrators of Saint Peters, O’Fallon and Lake Saint Louis are effectively suing their own constituents to force the use of Red Light Cameras!

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