Sumerian Lament: 1918 Flu Pandemic = 2015 Ebola Pandemic ?

06 October 2014 (01:01 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/14 Mehr 1393/13 Jia-Xu 4712

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

In my opinion, a year from now, we won’t have one or two cases; we’ll have many cases of Ebola.”-Daniel Lucey, Microbiology and Immunology at Georgetown University Medical Center

The United States continues to send in the military when China and Cuba send in medical personnel, supplies and cash.  I’ve already pointed out that French military intervention in the name of fighting ebola was nothing more than their continued back door neo-colonialism.  And I’ve pointed out the possible connection with the Obama regime building an airbase in Guinea, under the guise of fighting ebola, when it could be about controlling newly discovered petroleum fields.

The west African countries that seem to have their ebola outbreaks under control are those getting help from Cuba and China.  Liberia is totally out-a-control, and they’re a former(?) U.S. colony.  Cuba has sent hundreds of medical personnel to Sierra Leone, and they’ve just announced they’re sending nearly 300 more to the U.S. protectorate of Liberia.  The Washington Post even said “Cuba is punching far above its weight………..has emerged as a crucial provider of medical expertise in the West African nations hit by Ebola.”

In fact the UN World Health Organization says Cuba has provided more medical personnel than any other country!  The United States has made a lot of promises in the form of cash (that will probably never materialize), but what has the U.S. actually been sending?  Obama’s been sending in the troops!

On 01 October, Operation United Assistance revealed that 700 U.S. Army 101st Airborne combat troops were going in, along with 700 army engineers, as part of a larger 3-thousand military personnel deployment. Then on 03 October it was announced that as many as 4-thousand U.S. troops will be sent.  When was the last time combat troops were used to fight a virus?  I don’t know, but I do know when the last time combat troops were used to spread a virus; the 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic.

Up until 2013 it was generally accepted that the 1918 flu pandemic was caused by migratory birds, however a University of Arizona study revealed evidence that the 1918 flu strain originated in horses, possibly the horses used by the U.S. combat troops fighting in western Europe during the First World War.  That war ended in 1918, but when the U.S. troops came home they were already infected.

The 1918 flu was known then as the Spanish Flu because supposedly that’s were the first cases were documented.  The actual origin is in dispute, some say it was France, while one historian says it originated in Kansas U.S.A., in fact the U.S. Army’s Fort Riley in Kansas reported 100 soldiers became ill in the time period of just a few hours.  There are reports of similar flus showing up in Austria and China, at the same time, in 1917.

The First Wave of the 1918-20 pandemic involved sporadic cases, mainly in the sillyvilian (civilian) world.  There was a Second Wave, this one involved a country now experiencing what I’m warning could be the First Wave of the 2015 ebola pandemic: Sierra Leone.  Unfortunately it was the Second Wave of the flu pandemic that was the big killer, no thanks to the involvement of military personnel.

Back then critically sick military personnel were packed up and sent to hospitals in civilian areas.  It’s interesting that the Obama regime says that the first step in their Operation United Assistance involves building hospitals, you know, the places that have been proven to be disease incubators.

Another interesting thing about the Flu Pandemic is that at first doctors thought it was some other disease, not the flu.  At the beginning of 2014 many local doctors in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea (supposedly ground zero with the first cases reported in December 2013) stated that if this was ebola it wasn’t like any that had been seen before.  (I’ve also written about a possible connection to UN food aid to the affected countries, involving GMO grains, which began in 2013)

One of the lessons of the 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic is that the involvement of military personnel actually makes things worse.   You have to question why the United States is choosing to focus on a military response to ebola, while other countries focus on sending medical supplies and personnel not soldiers, airman, sailors or Marines.

Oh, by the way the terrorist group known as USAID is involved in the burial of people who died from ebola.

Stay tuned.

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