U.S. Civil War: Chicago update 24-25 May 2014, 3 dead 14 wounded!

3300 block of West Maypole Avenue: 46 years old man shot multiple times and killed.  17 years old boy shot and wounded in the legs and one hand.

6900 block of South Emerald Avenue: 31 years old man shot in the back and killed.  A 21 years old man shot and wounded in the arm.

900 block of Windsor Avenue:  23 years old man shot in the chest and killed.  Witnesses say another man walked up to him and blasted him.

7800 block of South Greenwood Avenue:  A 17 years old boy was shot in the leg during a argument.

54th Street and Harper Avenue:  20 years old man shot in the back.  He took himself to the hospital.

4700 block of South Western Avenue:  19 years old man shot in the thigh.  He managed to walk himself to the nearest hospital.

66th Street and Fairfield Avenue:  Two men shot just one block from a hospital.

9300 block of South Ada Street:  17 years old boy shot in the jaw, now in critical condition.

500 block of North Laramie Avenue:  Two men shot and wounded, no more info released.

1500 block of East 62nd Street: Three people wounded by drive by shooters.

1800 block of North Stockton Drive:  A woman was grazed in the abdomen when somebody step out of a car and started shooting.  She refused to go to a hospital.

No arrests, police blame gang bangers.  New anti-gun laws would not stop the shootings, because most guns used by gang bangers are already illegal!

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013, calls Chicagoland his homie town

Chicago update 18-23 May 2014, 5 dead 30 wounded!