Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Illinois cops admit that traffic sweeps are an excuse to lock you up! Even a cracked windshield will get you into police state hell!

26 April 2014 (00:27 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada t-Tania 1435/06 Ordibehesht 1393/27 Wu-Chen 4712

For the second time this year, the Illinois counties of Gary and Lake are conducting coordinated “traffic sweeps”.   What that means is they are pulling over anybody for anything they think is a violation of any kind-o-law they can think of, from jay walking across the road to having a cracked windshield on your car!

However, local news reports say the county cops call such traffic sweeps “hectic” and “high intensity”.  Why for if they’re just going after routine traffic violations?

Well the answer, according to the Chicago Sun Times, is that the traffic sweeps are really about “……making stops for minor infractions in the hope of finding illegal activity or wanted criminals.”  Cops also admitted they catch a lot of drug traffickers this way.

In other words the traffic sweeps are a typical police state operation usually seen in failed authoritarian states.  Oh, that’s right, Illinois is a failed authoritarian state.

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