More Fukushima Fallout: Robot confirms containment vessel breach! Stupid main streamer U.S. media continues to blame tsunami for “man made” disaster!

13 November 2013 (13:11 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Muharram 1435/22 Aban 1392/11 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

For the first time since March 2011, an inspection of Reactor 1’s containment area was made.  A robot was used as radiation levels will kill all humans (1.8 sieverts per hour).

Workers using the robot discovered two holes in Reactor 1’s containment vessel, both are pouring out contaminated cooling water at high rates.  This is the mystery source of contaminated water leaks, as I’ve postulated in prior postings.

Tokyo Electric Power Company officials down played the holes saying they were probably caused by external debris.  Yeah right, TEPCo has lied many times before!  Inspectors are now even more sure that Reactors 2 & 3 have breached containment vessels as well (as I’ve been postulating).

Meanwhile, back in the dumbed down United States, I’m getting tired of hearing main streamer news sources continually saying the GE designed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi were “damaged” by the quake and tsunami.  Back in July 2012 a Japanese investigation concluded that the meltdowns are man made: “The accident was not a natural disaster but was obviously a man made disaster.”-Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

Wake up you ‘tarded U.S. main streamer news media!  “Stupid is as stupid does.”-Forrest Gump, fictional guy in a movie

(apologies to people who are truly mentally disabled, but those people in the news media present themselves as being intelligent which they obviously are not [I was a local TV News Producer for six years, producing top rated programs at three stations, so I know first hand.  Like the time an Ivy League school graduate with a degree in English chewed me, a community college student, out for criticizing her totally confusing report, shortly afterwards she became an evil insurance saleswoman])