More Economic Decline: Heinz pulls stake, Warren Buffett abandons Pocatello, Idaho! Happy New Year!

15 November 2013 (13:34 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Muharram 1434/24 Aban 1391/13 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

It’s official, Heinz is shutting down their long time Pocatello, Idaho, factory.  410 people soon to be unemployed!  That’s another huge impact on the Chubbuck/Pocatello area.  The Idaho Department of Labor estimates the shut down will also impact 200 additional local jobs.  The city of Pocatello currently has the highest unemployment rate in the whole Gem State.

In February 2013, Heinz Frozen Food factory in Pocatello, Idaho, ended production of T.G.I. Friday's frozen meals, and laid off 80 employees.

In February 2013, Heinz Frozen Food factory in Pocatello, Idaho, ended production of T.G.I. Friday’s frozen meals, and laid off 80 employees.

At one time the Pocatello Heinz operation employed 800 people.

Heinz is also closing two other factories, one in South Carolina, and one in Ontario, Canada.  At least 1350 people will become unemployed (on top of the 600 jobs cuts Heinz made in August).  The shut downs will take place over the next eight months, happy New Year!

Heinz was sold to vulture capitalists 3G Capital and Warren Buffett.