Medical Martial Law: Already insured Californians hit with major Obama Care sticker shock!

08 October 2013 (11:54 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/16 Mehr 1391/04 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“There’s going to be a number of people surprised…”-Jonathan Wu, ValuePenguin

“I was laughing at Boehner, until the mail came today…”-Tom Waschura, self employed engineer suffering from Obama Care sticker shock

According to the San Jose Mercury News, Californians already paying for their own health insurance, many who’re Obama regime supporters, are finding out that  Obama Care is jacking up their rates, by a huge amount!

That assumes those already paying for health insurance must have big enough incomes to afford it, which means they must be able to afford to pay more.

A 60 year old retired teacher, with a per-existing health problem, is going to be paying $1800 USD per year more for her insurance under Obama Care.  Her adjusted gross income (before taxes) is still too high under Obama Care: “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”-Cindy Vinson

But wait, there’s more!  A self employed engineer, who’s already got his family of four on health insurance, is now going see the premiums jump by $10-thousand per year under Obama Care!  He’s obviously going to have to pass that cost on to his clients, which will probably cause him to lose his business.

This isn’t affecting just Californians with good incomes, anyone in the United States with a good income is going to pay big time for what they already have!  Robert Laszewksi of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, in Virginia, said “Welcome to the club.”  

Let’s all sing “M-I-C, see you real soon, K-E-Y, why? Because we like you! M-O-U-S-E!”