Financial Martial Law U.S.A.: BofA joins JP Morgan Chase in limiting access to your account! Citibank layoffs 1-thousand despite profits! Wells Fargo lays off 5-thousand plus!

18 October 2013 (12:10 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/26 Mehr 1391/14 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“If you don’t have your money in your pocket it ain’t yours, Jack!”-Gerald Celente, investor and financial adviser who had his Certificates of Deposits raped by major banks, telling people to get their money out of the banks now!  Infowars interview 18 October 2013

Celente, who has a good forecasting track record, predicts total U.S. bank failure by the middle of 2014.

Wall Street Journal reported that despite reporting surprise profits, Bank of America is about to implement a plan that will affect their customer’s checking accounts and access to their cash through ATMs. There are very little details, but BofA officials claim they are trying to help out their customers because their plan would prevent customers from incurring overdraft fees!  Basically your check writing and ATM withdrawals will be limited (more than what it already is).

This is revenge on the part of BofA, who paid a $410 million USD fine for their part in a conspiracy by Too Big to Jail banks, found guilty of charging exorbitant fees.

Back in September, Citibank announced they were laying off 700 employees, before Xmas! It’s part of their larger plan to layoff 1-thousand people!  Just two days ago Citibank reported a $3.23 billion profit!  However, greedy elitist investment analysts called it “disappointing” because they were expecting even more profits!

Wells Fargo has notified 5300 employees they will be laid off! 925 of those jobs are in California!  Bank officials blame it on a 42% drop in home loans, compared to last year!  What was that about the housing market recovery?

Maybe Celente is right?

Exceptional Failed State: Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase denies yet confirms martial law on your bank account! Is it really because the bank is broke?