World War 3, East Asian Front: TriLateral Imperialism as the U.S. mulls allowing Japan to invade Korea!!!

28 August 2013 (12:06 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Shawwal 1434/06 Shahrivar 1391/22 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The TriLateral imperialist member leaders of Europe, North America and East Asian will allow Japan to draw up invasion plans of Korea!

In the country of Brunei a meeting of defense (war pigs) officials is taking place, and it’s led by trilateral leader United States (the 2013 Association of Southeast Asian Nations defense ministers meeting).  According to Japanese news media the Japanese Defense Minister, Itsunori Onodera, asked U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel for permission to draw up attack plans against Korea, specifically the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (aka North Korea).

Officially both the U.S. and Japanese leaders claim it’s necessary to counter any missile strike threat from Korea.  This would mark the first time since the Second World War that Japan would openly plan to invade another country!

The current right wing neo-imperialist government of Japan says they do not want to play second fiddle to the United States when it comes to Korea, they want the option of unilateral military action.

Koreans should be upset, whether they live in the north or in the U.S. puppet south, because Japan has a history of invading and occupying Korea: 1st invasion Gregorian year 1592, 2nd invasion 1597.  It was those first invasions that created in the minds of Japanese that Korea belonged to Japan.

The Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 was an imperialist move by Japan, using the rule of law at that time (proof that the ‘rule of law’ can be pure evil) to subjugate Korea to their rule.   That process involved destabilizing Korea, much like what the U.S.-British empire is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt and Syria.  (destabilizing an area prior to imperial take over is an age old British empire tactic.  in military terms it’s the same concept as softening up the target area before invasion.)

Japan occupied Korea from 1905 to 1945, and has yet to pay for all the atrocities it committed against the Koreans.