Martial Law U.K.: Glorious Queen of England allows cops to steal and use the IDs of children!

15 July 2013 (13:24 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Ramadan 1434/24 Tir 1391/08 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

It’s been revealed by two cops (one a whistlblower, the other is Bernard Hogan-Howe the top cop in the U.K.) that for decades the United Kingdom’s Home Office has allowed cops to steal and use the identifications of dead children, all in the name of security.

The Home Office is similar to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, only hundreds of years older, you might say the creation of the U.S. Homeland Security was influenced by the U.K.’s Home Office (more proof we’ve been taken over by the british empire).

The two Home Office cops say the identities of dead children were used to create fake IDs and passports for undercover cops, known as the Special Demonstration Squad, who used them to infiltrate political and activist groups (note: that’s political and activist groups, not criminal organizations) and for travel to other countries.

Member of Parliament, Mike Creedon, stated that the 40 years old practice of using dead people’s IDs was “common practice”.

The whistleblower cop, Peter Francis, went public after two decades of spying on fellow citizens.  He said in the 1980s he spied on environmentalist and animal rights groups.  In the 1990s he spied on human rights groups, in order to dig up “dirt” to use to coverup or justify police attacks on black/non-white people in the U.K.  He was such a dedicated undercover cop that he even fathered a child with an activist.

In a TV interview Francis admitted that most cops don’t think what they’re doing is wrong, because it’s official policy from the very top: “…that’s what was done. Let’s be under no illusions about the extent to which that was an accepted practice that was well known at the highest levels of the Home Office.”

The Queen of England is the ultimate authority in the United Kingdom.  She is not a figure head, she heads the House of Lords in Parliament and sets the yearly legislative agenda, she is the ‘Pope’ (officially called Supreme Governor) of the Church of England (she recently declared that being homosexual was OK in her church) and she overseas security for the empire (she is their Commander in Chief).  She knows what the hell her minions are doing, or she’s inept!