False Flag Bio-War? GMO crops intended to create starvation in the U.S. & Canada?

19 June 2013 (04:08 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1391/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“The US (and Canadian) yields are falling behind economically and technologically equivalent agroecosystems matched for latitude, season and crop type; pesticide (both herbicide and insecticide) use is higher in the United States than in comparator W. European countries….”

A study by the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, has revealed that the people of the United States and Canada could soon face starvation because of continued use of GMO (genetically modified organism) crops.

“The choice of GM-biotechnology packages in the US agroecosystem has been the stark contrast with W. European patterns of biotechnology use. Notwithstanding claims to the contrary…..there is no evidence that GM biotechnology is superior…..”

“Producing food is an essential activity, and the ability to produce food is a global strategic asset.”

“…..GM crops are not a solution, in part because they are controlled by strict IP instruments. Despite the claims that GM might be needed to feed the world, we found no yield benefit when the United States was compared to W. Europe……GM crops have maintained or increased US pesticide use relative to equally advanced competitors. The pattern and quantities unique to the use of GM-glyphosate-tolerant crops has been responsible for the selection of glyphosate-tolerant weeds, with estimates of resistant weeds on between 6 and 40 million hectares [14.8 million to 98.8 million acres] in the United States…….The use of Bt crops is associated with the emergence of Bt resistance and by novel mechanisms in insect pests

The diversity of the germplasm is not increasing under the commercial sector in the United States and under prevailing government innovation incentives…..This is linked to globally declining rates in yield growth.”

Read more in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.