H7N9 update: 20% kill rate!

04 May 2013 (13:13 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada t-Tania 1434/14 Ordibehest 1392/25 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Medical researchers say the rate of people dying from H7N9 has reached 20%, or one in every five human infections.

Other researchers put together possible H7N9 spread maps, using wild bird flight patterns, and poultry distribution.

When looking at only wild bird migration patterns the spread of H7N9 seems to correlate.  However, problems pop up when looking at domesticated poultry.  Government testing of poultry has already shown that only poultry in the live markets show signs of infection, not one chicken or duck on a farm has tested positive.  Much more research needs to be done to find out why poultry are becoming infected after being brought to live markets.

In Taiwan, government health officials are in trouble after video was released showing the culling of poultry being done by people who are not protected.

The video also shows dead chickens piled in parking lots: “We can see vendors, workers and regular people moving around the market without gloves or masks, and no protection measures at all have been implemented. The market should be a model for the city’s bird flu prevention campaign, but has become a big loophole…”-Tung Chung-yen, Taipei City Council