Morton Grove, Illinois, proof that gun bans don’t work! Anti-gun freaks lie about crime stats! City official admits it’s about taking away your Constitutional rights!

02 April 2013/21 Jumada l-Ula 1434/13 Farvardin 1391/22 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

For those rejoicing at the precedent setting, Obama backed, United Nations gun control law, beware!  Morton Grove, Illinois, is proof that gun control does nothing to reduce violent crime!

In 1981 Morton Grove banned handguns (pistolas).  In 2008, after decades of apparently no overall reduction in violent crime, plus growing law suits, the city quietly rescinded the gun ban.

Some reports say immediately after the gun ban crime jumped 15.7%.    I tried checking on 1981 to 2008 crime stats for Morton Grove.  I finally came across a crime stat site that said: “Police agencies in Morton Grove do not report crime data individually. As a result, we are unable to show you crime data about Morton Grove, Illinois itself…….Independent statistics for Morton Grove, Illinois are not available from the FBI UCR program.”

(Federal Bureau Investigation-Uniform Crime Reporting)

The site then says to use the Cook County UCR.  Even the Federal Bureau of Investigation said, in their 2010 UCR, that Illinois data for that year cannot be compared to previous years, because law enforcement in Illinois changed how they reported data.

This makes me wonder about all those anti-gun articles that claim to have crime stat data showing the gun ban reduced crime in Morton Grove!   I’ve read some anti-gun articles that use UCR data from after Morton Grove rescinded their gun ban, and then they tried to say it was proof the gun ban worked!

If the gun ban was working to reduce crime, why did the city leaders rescind it?

There is a 1986 Chicago Tribune article (Morton Grove Gun Ban Quietly Turns 5), basically a five year anniversary look at the effects of the Morton Grove gun ban. A police official admits it was having no effect on reducing crime: “It’s safe to say the ordinance has had little if any impact on it.”-Bob Davis

A former city official admitted that crime in her city is too complex to solve with a simple gun ban: “Our ordinance here is just a symbolic, cosmetic solution to a complex problem, and I don’t think it has made one bit of difference.”-Joan Dechert

The article also quotes a city official, revealing his unAmerican attitude and his desire to destroy your Constitutional rights: “We proved once and for all that there is no constitutional right for a person to own a pistol. In that sense, the law has been a tremendous success.”-Martin Ashman, Village Corporation Counsel

But even the unAmerican Martin Ashman admitted that the gun ban wasn’t doing what they wanted it to: “We haven’t really seen much benefit from the ordinance yet. I don’t expect to in the near future. But maybe our grandchildren will get some real benefit out of it?”   (can you say Ass Hole!)