World War 3: United States behind most cyber attacks!

10 March 2013/27 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/20 Esfand 1391/29 Yi-Mao 4711

For all the whining the United States government does about cyber attacks, even going as far as making it an act of war and justifying the extra-judicial killing of hackers, it turns out that the biggest perpetrator is the United States.

According to China’s National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center, between September 2012 to February 2013 89 cyber attacks were made against Chinese public and company websites.  39 of those attacks originated from U.S. IP addresses.

According to China’s National Vulnerability Database, between November 2012 to January 2013, 5792 attempted cyber attacks were launched from U.S. IP addresses.  Also, 2194 of servers using viruses or botnets to control Chinese mainframes are located in the U.S.  And, 73% of phishing sites targeting Chinese e-commerce are based in the U.S.

China is not the only country to point to the United States as being behind most cyber attacks, Iranian officials say they are constantly dealing with cyber attacks coming from the U.S.