World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 15 September 2012. More Green on Blue attacks! Mujahideen assault Prince Harry’s base! Parliament wants U.S. out! Secret Obama agreement allows U.S. to stay until 2024! Iran praised for helping Afghans!

15 September 2012

ISAF said: “An individual believed to be an Afghan Local Police member turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Force service members in southern Afghanistan today, killing two. An ISAF service member returned fire, killing the attacker.”

Afghans protesting the anti-Islam movie, made by a right wing U.S. christian con artist, burned the U.S. flag and effigies of Obama.

In Helmand Province, ISAF has released more details about what happened at Camp Bastion, where Henry of Wales (aka Prince Harry) is based.  At least 20 Mujahideen attacked the based, killed two ISAF personnel (locals say they were U.S. Marines), wounded several soldiers and damaged several helicopters, before ISAF forces killed all but one of the attackers.

There are conflicting accounts of the Camp Bastion attack:  ISAF says the attack started at 21:00 hours on 14 September.  Local government officials say the attack started at 02:00 hours on 15 September.  ISAF says 19 Mujahideen were killed, locals say 16.  ISAF says two personnel were killed, Mujahideen say 10 ISAF personnel were killed.  Mujahideen also stated that their objective was to assassinate Prince Harry (so two U.S. Marines died fighting for the royal family of the British Empire, the American Colonies have come full circle)!

Also in Helmand, nine women and three children were killed when the van they were riding in drove over a mine.

The Afghan parliament is demanding President Hamid Karzai cancel a defense agreement with the United States. The agreement was signed with President Barack Obama, it allows U.S. forces to stay for another ten years after Obama’s claimed 2014 pull out date!  The Members of Parliament want U.S. forces out now!

The United Nations praised Iran for helping refugees fleeing the U.S. led war in Afghanistan: “My very deep appreciation and gratitude for what has always been a very generous refugee policy in Iran anchored in the best of Iranian hospitality and Islamic tradition.”-Antonio Gutierrez, UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Many refugees in Pakistan have been forced back to Afghanistan, where human rights groups say they are being put into death camps.  The United States caused the problem and is doing nothing about it, yet Iran is: “The problem is that the countries who have claimed to support human rights are also the same countries that have caused these Afghan refugees to flee their country. These countries [United States, European countries] have to take responsibility and help to provide a safe environment for these refugees to return to Afghanistan.”– Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, Iran’s  Interior Minister