Occupy California! United Police States of America: California cuts $600 million from social programs, but adds $600 million for new prisons! More proof that the United States will become a giant prison planet

“It’s appalling that while the state is poised to cut another $600 million from already suffering essential programs, including In Home Supportive Services, Medi-Cal, child care, and universities and community colleges, they are forcing forward $600 million to build unnecessary jails. In order to make California a place where everyone can thrive, we need to raise revenues and reduce prison spending immediately!”Nancy Berlin, the California Partnership

“Whether we’re talking about revenue or spending, it comes down to priorities. If decision makers in California continue to prioritize imprisonment over education, over healthcare, over the things that make our communities healthy and sustainable, then social and economic crisis will continue to deepen and the forecasts are going to get much more bleak!”-Emily Harris, Californians United for a Responsible Budget