Saudi Prince tells U.S. led NATO to invade Iran or give Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons

A British newspaper reports that a secret meeting was held between NATO and Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal.  The subject was nuclear weapons, and how Saudi Arabia could get some.

The Guardian quoted an unnamed Saudi official as saying: “We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don’t.”

The meeting concerned Saudi fears that Iran will develop nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia is a Semitic country.  Iran is technically Aryan (Aryans originate in Central Asia, and spread from India to Europe, the politically correct term in the West is Indo-European).  Also, most of the Saudi royal family are Wahhabi (aka Salafi) Muslims (the main stream western media incorrectly says most Saudis are Sunni Muslim).  Most Iranians are Shia Muslims.  Al Qaeda, also made up of mainly Wahhabis, declared jihad against Shia Muslims.  The dominating tribe of Saudi Arabia (the royal family) considers Iran a mortal enemy.

One analysts says what’s really happening is that Saudi Arabia is trying to push the United States closer to going to war with Iran: “I think the point is less that Saudi Arabia is really planning to make nuclear weapons, it’s about impressing on the U.S. how urgent it is to react to Iran’s nuclear program.”-Guido Steinberg, German Institute for International and Security Affairs