What Economic Recovery? Bannock County, Idaho, jacks up property taxes on farmers, by 90%

“We’re trying desperately to hold to these farms and we are paying our share. And if we haven’t been paying our share, it’s because assessors haven’t been doing their job.”-Grant Olson, wheat farmer

In a surprise announcement, Bannock County officials said they messed up and failed to properly assess farmland.  They will now hit farmers with a property tax bill that’s at least 90% higher than last year!

Grant Olsen, a farmer in Robin, Idaho, says his tax bill has gone up year after year.  Olsen is highly suspicious of the county’s reasons: “They say the reassessment hasn’t been done for 10 years, and now they have to obey the law. Why haven’t they been obeying the law?”

As a resident in Bannock County I can say that property taxes have gone up yearly, even with the decline in residential property prices.  When I’ve complained to the assessor they’ve blamed increased fees due to the passage of school levees.  That’s part of the problem, but the specific “property” tax has gone up as well.

County officials told the public that they would provide a better explanation of why they have to increase farmland property tax so much.  Bannock County has a reputation for having higher than average property taxes.