My hypothesis about E Coli Typhoid Mary possibly confirmed, the deadly E Coli spreads to France

“Now we have the proof that in this case a human passed on the germ to the vegetables and then it was passed to other humans.”-Daniel Bahr, Germany’s health minister

German health officials are saying they have proof a kitchen worker passed on the deadly strain of e.coli.  Officials say at least 20 of the e.coli cases can be traced to an infected woman who works for a catering company.  The woman claims to have eaten sprouts, which might be one of the sources for the bacteria.  Check my June 9 posting.

Local officials are now investigating a sewage treatment plant near Frankfurt.  They say a stream running nearby has a high level of e.coli.  Local residents have long complained of intestinal problems, and routinely seek medical treatment.

In France, officials are now worried because several cases have shown up there.  One boy became infected after eating a partially cooked hamburger, made with frozen beef.  In Europe, it’s actually normal to eat ground beef raw.  The frozen beef comes from France, but is sold by a grocery chain store owned by a German company.   The beef sold at the Lidl supermarkets is being recalled.

So far 40 people have died, and thousands are in hospitals.