Power Blackouts will hurt Japanese Industry more than thought

A Japanese industry analyst, interviewed on NHK, said most of Japan’s industries will be hurt more than thought by rolling blackouts.

For several days NHK has been running reports on different industries that would be affected by power outages. Some of those industries, like bread factories, would have to shut down for longer than the planned 3 hour blackout. This is because of the process for making bread. The bread factory official said they would end up being shut down for 6 hours.

Most factories need to control heat processes for a long period of time, and they can’t do that with power outages.  It’s also interesting to see that most factories in Japan do not have any back up power source. Most of Japan’s industries are totally dependent on nuclear power.

The analyst said on NHK, that Japan’s industry must be prepared to move factories to other parts of Japan, or even to other countries.  In the future Japan’s industries must be built so that they can operate independently of any single power source.